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Welcome to the Hyperverse

Build web3 applications without writing smart contract code.

What is the Hyperverse?

The Hyperverse is an open marketplace of community-built, audited, easy to discover smart modules. Our goal - to make it easy for JavaScript developers to build Web3 apps without writing a single line of smart contract code. Think npm for smart contracts.

Hyperverse ❤️ Feedback

If you have any ideas to improve the docs please make an issue, discuss in the forum, or submit a PR.


Start building Web3 applications or create Hyperverse smart modules.

Build Web3 applications | JavaScript Developers
Create smart modules | Smart Contract Developers

Why use the Hyperverse?

The Hyperverse is built for JavaScript developers and makes web3 development super simple. Here are a few reasons we think you'll love building with the Hyperverse.

  • Build blockchain applications without writing smart contracts
  • Access well-written, reviewed, and audited smart contract code
  • Get support from a growing community of enthusiastic developers

Join the Community

Follow us on social and join the community to get access to the latest Hyperverse updates and discussions.

Learn more

Read Composing the Hyperverse on the blog to learn more about the Hyperverse.

Contribute to the Docs

The Hyperverse is an open-source community effort, so feel free to suggest new topics, add new content, and provide examples wherever you think it might be helpful. Contribute to the docs via GitHub and reach out on Discord if you need any help getting started.


Join us on Discord view the Forum for support using the Hyperverse.